Posts tagged ‘easter rising 1916’

April 28,

1916 Rising. GPO Evacuated. Civilian Casualties

April 28: TODAY in Irish History: 1916 Rising – James Connolly


Today in Irish History: Curated by Conor Cunneen IrishmanSpeaks

Chicago Motivational Humorous Business Speaker, Author and History buff.


1916: One of the bloodiest days of the 1916 rising. Commanding officer General Sir John Maxwell orders strong action against the rebels:

“The most vigorous measures will be taken by me to stop the loss of life and damage to property which certain misguided persons are causing in their armed resistance to the law. If necessary I shall not hesitate to destroy any buildings within any area occupied by the rebels and I warn all persons within the area specified below, and now surrounded by HM troops, forthwith to leave such area.”

General Sir John Maxwell

Maxwell’s orders were carried out with chilling efficiency in many cases including the deaths of more than a dozen innocent civilians at the hands of British troops in the North King Street Massacre.  British troops had suffered over 40 casualties in this inner city area of Dublin during the previous days.The top Home Office offical Sir Edward Troup, told the prime minister, Herbert Asquith: “The root of the mischief was the military order to take no prisoners.” See Guardian Newspaper report.

The burning GPO which the rebels have held since Monday April 24th is evacuated after intensive bombardment by British artillery.

Damage to the GPO

View of GPO and Sackville Street from Nelson's Pillar


1863: Just a few days before the Battle of Chancellorsville, Brigadier-General, Commanding Thomas Frances Meagher writes a report to Major John Hancock:

“I have the honor to inform the major-general commanding the division that, in accordance with instructions received from him, I proceeded to this ford on yesterday forenoon, to relieve Colonel Kelly and take command of the brigade.

On arriving at the ford where I found the Sixty-third encamped, I learned that Colonel Kelly had, an hour previous, proceeded to the United States Ford, at which place, I was advised by the major general, two regiments of the brigade were to be stationed. Accordingly, I set out at once to the United States Ford, taking the corduroy road leading up from Banks’ Ford to the Warrenton pike, being ignorant of the River road, not having either a map or guide to direct me. I proceeded along the Warrenton pike until I reached Hartwood Church, when I took the road leading to the United States Ford, at which I arrived some time about 5 p.m., and found everything perfectly quiet, and the Sixty-ninth and One hundred and sixteenth posted there in the best order. Colonel Kelly had left something more than an hour before, to return to Banks’ Ford.”

Thomas Francis Meagher

Thomas Francis Meagher, Fenian, Civil War soldier, politician.

Want to learn more about Ireland? See these images and more in the acclaimed For the Love of Being Irish
Irish gift ideas. Best selling Irish booksRonnie Drew and Luke Kelly - Musical Irish Gifts to the worldJoyce Image in For the Love of Being IrishMichael Collins: Image from For the Love of Being Irish

BUY Quality Quality Guinness and Ireland Rugby Shirts
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For the Love of Being Irish written by Chicago based Corkman Conor Cunneen and illustrated by Mark Anderson which is an A-Z of all things Irish. This is a book that contains History, Horror, Humor, Passion, Pathos and Lyrical Limericks that will have you giving thanks (or wishing you were) For the Love of Being Irish

Watch For the Love of Being Irish author Conor Cunneen – IrishmanSpeaks on his Youtube channel IrishmanSpeaks. Laugh and Learn.


This history is written by Irish author, business keynote speaker and award winning humoristIrishmanSpeaks – Conor Cunneen. If you spot any inaccuracies or wish to make a comment, please don’t hesitate to contact us via the comment button.

Visit Conor’s YouTube channel IrishmanSpeaksto Laugh and Learn. Tags: Best Irish Gift, Creative Irish Gift, Unique Irish Gifts, Irish Books, Irish Authors, Today in Irish History

April 27,

The Irony of 1916 Easter Rising. Dublin Media Reaction.

April 27: TODAY in Irish History: 1916 Rising – James Connolly


Today in Irish History: Curated by Conor Cunneen IrishmanSpeaks

Chicago Motivational Humorous Business Speaker, Author and History buff.


The Irony of 1916

At a time Irish rebels were fighting and dying to overthrow British rule in Ireland, hundreds of Irish soldiers were fighting and dying with the British army at the Battle of Hulluch when German troops unleashed one of the most devastating chlorine gas attacks of World War I. Irish nationalist leader John Redmond had encouraged participation in the British army in 1914 in the belief that it would guarantee Home Rule for Ireland and of course everyone “knew” the war would be short lived. Over 1,ooo soldiers of the 16th “Irish division” suffered dreadful death and injury from the Hulluch gas attack April 27-29.

In an example of revisionist history that would have done Stalin proud, Irish authorities ignored the thousands of Irish men who fought and died in World War I for most of the 20th century.

Easter Rising: British Authorities Blundered and Media Reaction

While the execution of rebel leaders some days after the Rising was a “legitimate” response to “traitors” at a time Britain was involved in a war, the executions proved to be probably THE  greatest single mistake Britain made in its time in Ireland. The rebellion was not initially popular and the destruction of Dublin brought odium on the rebels from Irish media including the Irish Independent which wrote:

“No terms of denunciation that pen could indict would be too strong to apply to those responsible for the insane and criminal rising of last week. Around us in the centre of Ireland’s capital, is a scene of ruin which it is heartrending to behold. Some of the proudest structures in what was one of the finest streets in Europe are now reduced to shapeless heaps of smouldering ashes.”

1916: Day 3 Easter Rising Dublin: As British authorities get to grips with the situation in Dublin, fierce street to street fighting takes place in parts of Dublin. James Connolly is severely wounded while involved in an action close to the GPO. He manages to crawl back to the rebel conclave which is now completely cut off from other rebels. Learning from the debacle at Mount Street bridge, British troops did not attempt a full scale assault on the GPO>

British troops finally take Mount Street bridge at the cost of over two hundred casualties incurred by seventeen Irish rebels, five of whom were killed.

Mount street bridge 1916 following Rising

Witness James Stephens wrote of Thursday’s events: “At 11.30am there came the sound of heavy guns firing in the direction of Sackville Street. I went on the roof, and remained there for some time. From this height the sounds could be heard plainly. There was sustained firing along the whole central line of the City, from the Green down to Trinity College, and from thence to Sackville Street, and the report of the various types of arm could be easily distinguished. There were rifles, machine guns and very heavy cannon.”

Other Events on this Day in Irish History

1822: Ulysses S. Grant, 18th President of the United States is born Hiram Ulysses Grant to a mother of Scots-Irish ancestry in Point Pleasant, Ohio. His maternal grandfather John Simpson, was born in County Tyrone, and immigrated to America in 1760. Grant visited Ireland in 1879.

Ulysses S. Grant 1822-1885

1880: A Royal Charter is issued creating The Royal University of Ireland an examining and degree-awarding university based on the model of the University of London.

1904: Poet Cecil Day-Lewis is born in Stradbally, Co. Laois. The father of Daniel Day-Lewis was Poet Laureate from 1968-1972. Below is illustration of son Daniel in For the Love of Being Irish

Want to learn more about Ireland? See these images and more in the acclaimed For the Love of Being Irish
Irish gift ideas. Best selling Irish booksRonnie Drew and Luke Kelly - Musical Irish Gifts to the worldJoyce Image in For the Love of Being IrishMichael Collins: Image from For the Love of Being Irish

BUY Quality Quality Guinness and Ireland Rugby Shirts
Guinness Rugby Shirts - Brilliant!Rugby Shirt - Ireland

For the Love of Being Irish written by Chicago based Corkman Conor Cunneen and illustrated by Mark Anderson which is an A-Z of all things Irish. This is a book that contains History, Horror, Humor, Passion, Pathos and Lyrical Limericks that will have you giving thanks (or wishing you were) For the Love of Being Irish

Watch For the Love of Being Irish author Conor Cunneen – IrishmanSpeaks on his Youtube channel IrishmanSpeaks. Laugh and Learn.


This history is written by Irish author, business keynote speaker and award winning humoristIrishmanSpeaks – Conor Cunneen. If you spot any inaccuracies or wish to make a comment, please don’t hesitate to contact us via the comment button.

Visit Conor’s YouTube channel IrishmanSpeaksto Laugh and Learn. Tags: Best Irish Gift, Creative Irish Gift, Unique Irish Gifts, Irish Books, Irish Authors, Today in Irish History