Archive for July 6th, 2013

July 6,

Gay Byrne and Late Late Show – Philadelphia Anti-Irish Riots – Comic Dave Allen at Today in Irish History

July 6: TODAY in Irish History:

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Late Late Show host Gay Byrne

Snippets of Irish History by Conor Cunneen IrishmanSpeaks 

Conor is a Chicago based Motivational Humorous Business Speaker, Author and History buff.



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1844: Anti-Irish/Catholic Riots in Philadelphia

Anti-Irish, anti-Catholic Nativists riot in Philadelphia against the increasing influence of the Catholic (i.e. Irish) Church and the influx of Irish immigrants. At least fifteen people die in the rioting.

SEE –  Chaos in the Streets: The Philadelphia Riots of 1844

Philadelphia Nativist anti-Catholic riots 1844
Philadelphia Nativist anti-Catholic riots 1844


READ: Philadelphia Bible Riots Pit Catholics against Protestant




1915: Archbishop John O’Reilly

Death of John O’Reily, Kilkenny born Archishop of Adelaide, Australia. In 1886 O’Reilly was elected bishop of the new diocese of Port Augusta, South Australia a position he held until he became the second Bishop of Adelaide, succeeding a fellow Irishman Christopher Augustine Reynolds.

Archbishop John O'Reily




1922: Civil War Dublin.

The Irish Times reports on the aftermath of the “Battle of Dublin,” –  the opening shots in what would become a vicious civil war.
“The Edinburgh Hotel, on the west side of Sackville street [now O’Connell Street], occupied a precarious position during the operations in that thoroughfare. Nevertheless, throughout the week about a dozen guests, with the staff, numbering as many more, remained in the building.
Yesterday afternoon, when the hotel took fire, they were at last obliged to leave after they had been warned by the firemen of their danger.
The small party, carrying various items of luggage, appeared at the front door, and, under a white flag, turned down towards the Nelson Pillar. They were at once turned into Henry street, where they were less exposed to fire, and when the troops were satisfied as to their bona fides, they were directed to go along towards Mary street, where they were held up. A newspaper representative who happened to be near took charge of the party, and explained their plight to the soldiers, who allowed them to pass through. They ultimately made their way to other hotels.”




1936: Comedian Dave Allen

dave allen irish born comic
Dave Allen 1936-2005

Comedian Dave Allen Death is born David O’Mahoney in Dublin. Allen was an irreverent comic who found fame in the UK, regularly poking  fun at the political and religious establishment.




1962: The Late Late Show

The Late Late Show debuts on Telefis Eireann, the Irish national TV network. It was hosted by Gay Byrne who continued as presenter until 1999. The show is seen by many as a catalyst for social change in Ireland as its content of light entertainment and serious discussion made it hugely successful. Never ostentatious, Gay Byrne was a master show host with a unique ability to put guests at ease while teasing out serious issues.

Byrne and his team never shirked guests who were critical of the dominance of the Catholic Church. Such “shocking” topics as contraception (the sale of condoms – banned in 1935 –  was only legalized in 1978), divorce and homosexuality were often aired for the first time on The Late Late Show to the disgust of people like Offaly Fine Gael politician Oliver Flanagan who famously claimed “There was no sex in Ireland before TV!”


“Gaybo” during one of his famous toy shows

The show continues to run today hosted by Ryan Tubridy.




WATCH: A Short History of Ireland

Want to learn more about Ireland? See these images and more in the acclaimed For the Love of Being Irish

Irish gift ideas. Best selling Irish booksRonnie Drew and Luke Kelly - Musical Irish Gifts to the worldJoyce Image in For the Love of Being IrishMichael Collins: Image from For the Love of Being Irish


This history is written by Irish author, business keynote speaker and award winning humorist IrishmanSpeaks – Conor Cunneen. If you spot any inaccuracies or wish to make a comment, please don’t hesitate to contact us via the comment button.

Visit Conor’s YouTube channel IrishmanSpeaks to Laugh and Learn.

Tags: Best Irish Gift, Creative Irish Gift, Unique Irish Gifts, Irish Books, Irish Authors, Today in Irish History TODAY IN IRISH HISTORY (published by IrishmanSpeaks)