Archive for February 18th, 2013

February 18,

Dubliners Ciaran Bourke – Roscommon Born Medal of Honor Winner at Today in Irish History

February 18: TODAY in Irish History:

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Ciaran Bourke

Ciaran Bourke

Snippets of Irish History by Conor Cunneen IrishmanSpeaks

Conor is a Chicago based Motivational Humorous Business Speaker, Author and History buff.

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1516: Mary, Queen of England and Ireland is born

She was daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Arragon. She reigned from 1553-1558 during which she restored Catholicism as the official religion, putting numerous dissenters (i.e. Protestants) to the stake which earned her the title “Bloody Mary.”


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1817: Confederate General Walter Paye Lane is born in County Cork. 


Walter Paye Lane 

Lane’s family emigrated when he was four. He eventually settled in Texas and became a strong proponent of secession. Prior to the Civil War, he fought with distinction in the Mexican War.


READ: Biography of Walter Paye Lane at Texas State Historical Association


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1861: Timothy Francis Quinlan

Timothy Francis Quinlan is born in County Tipperary. His family emigrated to Australia when he was two. Quinlan would become immensely wealthy and also be Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Western Australia.

Timothy Francis Quinlan


READ: Biography of Timothy Francis Quinlan


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1882: Northern Ireland plays its first international soccer game against England losing by a record score of 13-0. Ouch!


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1917: Death of Roscommon Born Brigadier General James Rowan O’Beirne

James Rowan O'Beirne

James Rowan O’Beirne

County Roscommon born Civil  war veteran James Rowan O’Beirne dies at age seventy three. O’Beirne rose to the rank of Brigadier General and was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for having “gallantly maintained the line of battle until ordered to fall back” at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31-June 1, 1862.

O’Beirne was a major player in the pursuit of Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth.


James Rowan O'Beirne during Civil War

James Rowan O’Beirne during Civil War


READ: James Rowan O’Beirne and the Search for Lincoln’s Assassin


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1935: Ciaran Bourke of the Dubliners fame is born in Dublin.

Ciaran Bourke

Ciaran Bourke

Bourke was a member of the Dubliners from 1962 until he suffered a brain aneurysm in 1974.


READ: Biography of Ciaran Bourke at It’s the Dubliners


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1948Fianna Fail Ousted from Government

Following the general election, Eamonn De Valera’s Fianna Fail is ousted from power for the first time in 16 years. John A. Costello is elected Taoiseach of a coalition government.

Taoiseach John A. Costello

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Want to learn more about Ireland? See these images and more in the acclaimed For the Love of Being Irish

Irish gift ideas. Best selling Irish booksRonnie Drew and Luke Kelly - Musical Irish Gifts to the worldJoyce Image in For the Love of Being IrishMichael Collins: Image from For the Love of Being Irish


This history is written by Irish author, business keynote speaker and award winning humorist IrishmanSpeaks – Conor Cunneen. If you spot any inaccuracies or wish to make a comment, please don’t hesitate to contact us via the comment button.

Visit Conor’s YouTube channel IrishmanSpeaks to Laugh and Learn.

Tags: Best Irish Gift, Creative Irish Gift, Unique Irish Gifts, Irish Books, Irish Authors, Today in Irish History TODAY IN IRISH HISTORY (published by IrishmanSpeaks)